Whatta surprise!

This was quite a surprise as ANGERME gave us a major announcement on the opening day (July 16. 2016) of Hello! Project 2016 SUMMER ~Sunshine Parade~ & ~Rainbow Carnival~ concert tour. After Maro’s & Meimei’s graduations the dust has hardly settled as comes this:

Momona Kasahara is the new girl in ANGERME. She is still 12 years old and was chosen to the group from Hello! Pro Kenshuusei. Momona is from Kanagawa prefecture and has been practicing ballet for 9 years. She says her most favorite music genre is classical. Should we now expect some entrechats from Momona in the upcoming MVs?

It’s always interesting to see how new girls join to lineups and what kind of role they get. Some ANGERME fans have already stated they don’t like Momona so much. I just want to say “gimme a break”. She has just a moment ago joined the group and she is still only 12 years old. When you follow her development so far by looking those live photos I’ve picked up here all I can say is: “Looks quite promising”.

Wait now, Rikako is not anymore the youngest memeber in ANGERME! Momona turns to 13 on October 22.


Group leader Ayaka Wada draw a portrait of this new girl:


Momona seem to be well integrated to ANGERME already on her first official day as a member of the group:


In the beginning (becoming Kenshuusei member just about 15 months ago):


As Kenshuusei member:


Girl is growing up fast:


Still dancing in Kenshuusei:


Learning some new tricks:


What did I say about growing up fast?:


Definitely fast metamorphosis:


Momona self introduction as a member of Kenshuusei:


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KAKKO-II.COM is a Hello! Project & J-pop blog for all you fans out there.

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