Miya scores again!

A couple of weeks ago I participated first time in Hello!Blog’s annual H!P Poll. The aim was to get all H!P girls in to desired order. As I do my H!P girls Top Ten ranking every now and then it wasn’t so difficult to do this polling thing although I had to find the right rank to all our 25 girls.

This new Top Ten looks almost the same as before. Only significant change is the rise of Kanon from S/mileage. 50% of these 10 girls come from Berryz Kobo. This score is so evident.


It’s kind of strange that the only Hello! Project girl who has appeared in my nightly dream is still Koha. And even that has happened only once. Reason might be that I remember very few of my dreams after I wake up. But if you ask me who’s the girl in my daydreams then there is only one answer for that. I guess Miya just matches to the image I have in my head about a perfect girl in all possible ways. As I’ve felt this way now so many years it must be so. Perfect for me but not necessarily for you as things always are.


Right after Miya it’s always Rii. I don’t mind her extra grams because she is with or without them always adorable. I’m completely charmed with her face. That’s not news but have you noticed that lately many more people have also become Risako fans?


Yeah, Reinya! Still my number one Morning Musume grrrrrl. I’ve never loved cats as much as today. And extra kudos for her because finally she started her own blog few days ago.


C-ute’s leader Maimi is so cool and hot lady that she’s driving my mind to the edge of chaos. Maybe you know what I mean.


Always having great fun with Junko. I really enjoy her appearances on various situations. I love her face, I love her sense of humor, I love her sensitiveness. I guess there is nothng I don’t love about her. Maybe I’ve said this before but I have a feeling that I could live with Junko happily ever after. Ehh, Miya, of course I mean it’s with you I would like to live happily ever after.


Every day Chii is getting more and more stunning. I wonder where do we end with this kind of progress.

[7] AIRI

Airi just turned to 16. Whatta hec!? She’s even 8 days younger than Rii. Class of 1994 rules.


S/mileage’s young Kanyon is a newcomer on my list. As many others have already noticed Kanon has some Aibon-ish features on her face. Sometimes there are and sometimes not so much. But the main thing is that she is super cute. As I was ranking my favorite H!P groups S/mileage did quite well and took the third place and was even ahead C-ute. Now that’s something.


I don’t know any other idol girl like Tsugu-san. Momo is Momo and you better live with that fact or close your eyes, plug your ears and pretend that she is not there.


Most curious question of the day: Is Kumai-chan still getting taller? I mean… ehhh… I think even I’m now shorter than she. It woud be interesting to know her current height. So many gentle centimetres in that charming giant.

[11-25] THE REST

And after top ten comes the rest of the girls in this order: Sayumi, Yuuka, Chisato, Saki (BK), Saki (C), Maasa, Mai, Ayaka, Risa, Erina, Saki (S), Linlin, Eri, Ai and Aika.

In my H!P groups ranking Berryz Kobo is unsurprisingly at the top place. My whole Top 7 of this category looks like this:

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KAKKO-II.COM is a Hello! Project & J-pop blog for all you fans out there.

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